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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
T.F.S. the fitness school 41
T.S.G the shoe garage 16, 25
T.T.S. the top store 24, 25
TACK the leather shop 18, 25
TAFE cultivating the world 35
TAJ the city +tajmahal 37
TAJ'S PALKHI the tradition 29
TAO the way to art 20
TARKA the taste of punjab 29
TB TBZ the original +bird 14
TCB the cake bucks +oval 30, 35, 43
TCE the career edge +oval 35
TCF the colour of fashion 25
TCFC the corporate film co. 41
TCH the curry house +flower 43
TDF the design factory 42
TECHNO CAMPUS the software 9
TENZ the world inside +hear 9
TGH the grill house 43
TGIR the great indian rover 3, 27
TH the house of tea FOODHAL 21, 30, 35
THC-the hero challenge 9
THE CHEERS the lounge bar 42
THE NAME BEHIND the brands 35
THE NEURAL-NET the internet 41
THE NEXT BLUE the lounge ba 42
THERMACUT the cutting co. 7
THINCK the international 41
THIRS TEA the teateria +cup 43
THS the home store 4, 8, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27
THUGS-the pub not the peopl 33
THUGS-the pub not the peopl 33
TIIF the indian institute 41
TIME & AGAIN the restaurant 43
TIMES NOW-feel the news 16
TISZTA the pure 32
TITLE: SRK the family 41
TJS the jewellry shop 14
TLH the luxury house 35
TLPH the local print hub 16
TMC the masala channel 9
TMC the media cafe 43
TMC the movie channel 9
TMF the mithai factory 30
TMF the mobile factory 35
TOLLYJOY the baby you love 21, 25
TONIY the sewing index 7
TRANCE-the pub 42
TRC the royal coneefit +ova 21
TSC the shirt company +oval 35
TSI the skin institute 42
TTE touch the excellence 41
TV 7 the web news channel 41
TWC the wedding clinic +ova 44
TWE the world of education 35
TWINCITIES BBS the ultimate 9
TYBRO'S for the greater goo 39
UMEETEX the best quality 11
V the ride begins 35
VAC'S the lingering taste 30
VAYUGRID the first mile 3, 35
VEETEE the world's finest 30
VERITECH protecting the bes 9, 16
VERTEX the top of technolog 37
VERVE the spirit of today's 16
VIAGRA the drink 32, 33
VIROSIL the brands you trus 5
VISHAL the retail outlet 35
VISION experience the futur 12
VISTALIA the natural taste 29
VIURE the originals 25
VIVIDHA the bindi shop 3
VR yes ur the best 25
VS VIJAY SALES the one 35
VV around the world +tick 39
W. & L.T. kiss the future 16
WAHID BIRYANI the real tast 43
WB the only 33
WEBASTO feel the drive 9, 11, 12
WEBTECH meet the world +ova 16
WHITEMINT share the life 30
WISDOM the wise choice 42
WOODLANDS the restaurant 16, 29
WOOLITE the new way washing 3
WUDMAX the masters 7
WW wood the world wide shoe 25
XANA-the unreal estate 37
XEROX the document company 9, 16
XYLO the xylophilous plywoo 19
YATRA the food JOURNEY 29, 32
YENWOOD the best wood +plan 19
YES its the best 12
YOU'VE GOT the power 9, 11, 37
YOUNG-C the future is young 9
YOUTH ICON of the year 41
YUVA for the generation yo! 35
ZABA the buddha 16
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